About me

Hello There,


I’m Disha and a growing freelancer Graphic Designer and now a student of Humber College, Toronto. I really like designing various graphics so want to make it my Profession.

It’s been just a few months in this beautiful country and I have started loving this place.


IMG_20160213_115042612_HDRI had worked as a graphic 2 years but there is always room to learn new things in the creative field like graphic design. I want to learn everything possible for great artworks.

Now I am at Humber to get guidance to learn from mentors who have an experience of many years. Hope I can get a piece of their knowledge So that I can get a good job to survive 😀

I have uploaded some of my work on Behance and 99 Designs.

Thank you for your time. Have a Good Day 🙂

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